
Derby Finance offers multiple vaults and also makes it easy to deploy new future vaults governed by the DAO. The vaults are categorised among different currencies and risk characteristics. The following currencies are supported:

  • USD, currently 3 different stable coins: UDST, USDC and DAI. USDC is the main currency that should be deposited. The vaults automatically swaps this for USDT or DAI if the underlying DeFi protocol requires this.

  • BTC (WBTC), currently not supported.

  • ETH (WETH), currently not supported.

The following risk categories are defined:

  • Low, only containing exposure on DeFi applications that offer a stable unleveraged yield without impermanent loss (in the case of DEXs).

  • Mid, same as low but includes DEXs (with risk of impermanent loss). Currently not supported.

  • High, same as mid but also includes leveraged vaults and strategies. Currently not supported.

With these currencies and risks in total 9 vaults can be deployed. These vaults are deployed on a number of different chains and layer 2s. Currently the supported chains are: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, Polygon and Fantom. The supported layer 2s are: Optimism and Arbitrum.

Last updated